The Premier, Campus, and Core meal plans are valid through the last day of meal service in the semester of purchase. Swipe meal plans are valid for the entire academic year, carry from semester I to semester II and are valid through the last day of meal service in May of the academic year in which the plan was purchased. Unused meals are not refundable.
The last day for cancellations, changes, and refunds is the second Friday of the semester in which the meal plan was purchased. Meal plans are not transferable. Guests may use the dining hall with a guest pass from your meal plan, an additional swipe of your ID card using your swipe meal plan, Dining Dollars, or Cat's Cache. Card owner must be present. Guest passes and meal-to-go passes included with the purchase of Meal Plans if applicable are valid per semester only. Additional purchases of guest and Meal to Go passes carry over to semester II if unused, and expire on the last day of meal service in May. Purchased passes are nonrefundable. Meals cannot be exchanged for Dining Dollars.
UNH Dining wants to make sure any student who is ill has access to a nutritious meal.
If you are not feeling well enough to visit a dining hall, please authorize another student to use your ID to pick up a meal for you. Please let the authorized person know that they can request a disposable meal container; soup containers are also available along with disposable utensils.
Please note, if you are a student who has been pre-approved through Student Accessibility Services for a dining accommodation such as custom meal ordering, you may still request a meal through the usual steps and request it be packed up in a disposable container to be picked up by an authorized student.
A student authorized to pick up meals must have the sick student's UNH ID with them as well as their own for safety verification.
To view menus, please visit:
Questions? Please contact us at the numbers below:
- Philbrook Hall (603) 862-9331
- Holloway Commons (603) 862-0710
Faculty and staff meal plans can be purchased using payroll deduction or check. Meals on these plans roll over from one semester to another and year to year. Unused meals are fully refundable. In the event of separation from the university, UNH can withhold refunds for meals not yet paid for. Meal plans are not transferable. Guests may use the dining hall by using an additional swipe of your ID card, Dining Dollars, or Cat's Cache. The card owner must be present.
Anyone can purchase Dining Dollars. Dining Dollars can be used at most UNH Dining establishments, including the Union Court, Wildcatessen, Philbrook Café, Albert's, Zeke's Café, UNH Dairy Bar, CornerStone 1926 and all dining halls. Dining Dollars can also be used at Dunkin Donuts, most on-campus vending machines, online and mobile orders. Dining Dollars are valid during the academic year of purchase only. A balance will carry from fall semester to spring semester and is valid until the end of the meal service in May. Any remaining balance expires and is nonrefundable. Dining Dollars are encoded on your UNH photo ID card.
Meal Service: Dining hall meal services begin on the official opening day and end on the last day of final examinations. Meal services are not provided during university vacations and some holidays.
Food Served in the Dining Hall: Food served in the dining halls is available on an “all you care to eat” basis. Food can be taken out of the dining halls only through the “Green Box” take-out program. Violation of this policy can result in a $25 fine and/or loss of dining privileges.
Dining Hall Conduct: Students are expected to conduct themselves in the dining halls in a manner conducive to quiet enjoyment of mealtimes by all. Cooperation with stated procedures such as the self-bussing of dishware is expected.
Dining Property: Removal of dining hall property is prohibited. Violators are subject to a fine and/or referral to the student conduct process. At the retail locations, all food must be paid for before being consumed.
Service Animals: Except for service animals, no animal is permitted in any food service, dining or preparation area, or any store that sells food. Service animals are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Emotional support animals (ESA) do not qualify as service animals. Students with service animals in dining areas are responsible for their animal’s behavior, including towards other people and facilities. Students with service animals that display aggressive behaviors or cause an undue burden to the residential community, will be asked to remove animals they cannot control.
Bags and Containers: Unless there is an approved medical reason, backpacks, sling packs, large purses, grocery bags, and non-approved food or beverage containers are not permitted in the Dining Halls.
Lost or stolen cards must be suspended or reported immediately to the Campus Services office (603) 862-1821. Only the balance of meals, Dining Dollars, Cat's Cache and guest passes on the card at the time it is suspended can be protected. No temporary cards will be issued. It costs $25 to replace a lost, stolen, or damaged ID card; $15 to replace a lost, stolen or damaged non-photo dining card. Until your ID card is replaced, you will not have access to your balance of Dining Dollars, meal passes, Cat's Cache or meal plans. Your University ID card is strictly nontransferable. The owner of the ID card is responsible for its security and proper use and subject to a $25 fine for its unauthorized use.
Refunds on meal plans after the second Friday of each semester will be granted only with management approval or withdrawal from the University. If approved, Premier, Campus and Core meal plans will be refunded; weeks and partial weeks attended will be charged at the weekly rate. Unused Dining Dollar balances will be refunded.
If you are not using one of your Meals To Go and a Reusable To-Go Box, nothing is allowed to be taken out of the dining hall with the exception of:
- One piece of whole fruit or
- One cookie or brownie
You may refill your beverage upon leaving the dining hall. It must be contained in a travel mug/reusable cup only that is 32 oz. or less.
All other water bottles, containers and anything over 32 oz. are not acceptable.
Violation of this policy can result in a $25 fine and/or loss of dining privileges.
University of New Hampshire (UNH) Hospitality Services is the food service provider on the UNH campus. The registration and licensing process for food trucks on the university campus is administered through the Hospitality and Campus Services (HCS) office.
UNH provides a process to allow food trucks to operate on the campus of the university for special events and purposes. Food trucks can be categorized into two categories: Annual Food Trucks and Event Specific Food Trucks.
Annual Food Trucks pay the university for a reserved space on campus throughout the year. There are currently two Annual Food Trucks licensed to operate on the university campus, and this number is currently capped at two food trucks.
The registration process for Annual Food Trucks is as follows:
- Vendor completes the Food Truck Vendor Permit – Annual
- Vendor pays applicable fees per academic term (Fall, Spring, Summer)
- Vendor provides current copies of:
- State/Local Food Service License
- Certificate of Insurance
- Names UNH as additional insured and a general liability insurance policy with a minimum limit of $1,000,000
- Fire Safety Inspection performed by Durham Fire Department
- Once the permit is completed, fees paid, and the above documentation is obtained by HCS, the permit is sent to the UNH Police Department for issuance of their annual permit
- Completed permit applications and documentation can be sent to:
- Applicable fees can be mailed to:
- UNH Hospitality and Campus Services
75 Main Street, G11 Holloway Commons
Durham, NH 03824
- UNH Hospitality and Campus Services
Event Specific Food trucks register with the university on an event specific basis. Event Specific Food Trucks are permitted to operate on campus after going through the permitting process. These Event Specific Foods Trucks need to be sponsored by a UNH organization, and be part of a specific on-campus event. These Event Specific Food Trucks need to go through the permitting process for each individual event. An individual event permit will need to be obtained for each event the food truck is on campus. All food truck vendors on campus need to follow the responsibilities and activity limitations which are put forth under the second page of the Permit application form.
The registration process for Event Specific Food Trucks is as follows:
- Vendor completes the Outdoor Event Vendor Permit
- This needs to be filled out for each singular event the vendor intends to be on campus and there needs to be a sponsoring UNH organization
- Vendor pays applicable fee
- Vendor provides current copies of:
- State/Local Food Service License
- Certificate of Insurance
- Names UNH as additional insured and a general liability insurance policy with a minimum limit of $1,000,000
- Fire Safety Inspection performed by Durham Fire Department
- Once the permit is completed, fees paid, and the above documentation is obtained by HCS, the permit is sent to the UNH Police Department for issuance of their event permit
- In order for permits to be processed in a timely manner, completed permits and documentation should be sent to UNH HCS 10 days prior to event. Completed permit applications and documentation can be sent to:
- Applicable fees can be mailed to:
- UNH Hospitality and Campus Services
75 Main Street, G11 Holloway Commons
Durham, NH 03824
- UNH Hospitality and Campus Services